Global Dynamics is a company that arose from an itch that our founder and CEO (Raheel Khan) could not quite seem to scratch. Application and affiliate based marketing that creates growth comes down to just one simple equation.
This is being able generate more revenue from a lead than it costs to acquire. If a business can get leads for X and the long term value/revenue (LTV) from the leads is 2X from the business can scale limitlessly and growing becomes straight forward.
Mr Khan realized this and used it to grow his first business to 5 million+ in revenue per year. There was just one problem. Getting these business changing numbers proved to be nearly impossible. In order to even get a glimpse of the long term value of his leads he had to combine multiple software, rip apart his cart system, remake all his business funnels and even then the LTV numbers generated were in accurate due the technological restraints.
In response with the help of Vice-President Ms. Maria Ali and Mr Khan set out to create an application that removed all these obstacles and made it simple to get the numbers businesses need to confidently grow their business. From this Global Dynamics was born.